Saturday 9 January 2016

7 incredible uses of 3D printing

3D printing is a fairly new concept that involves making three-dimensional solid objects out of digital files. It is a multifaceted process that includes laying down of successive layers of material until the final design is created. 3D printing is increasingly becoming an important tool for doctors, artists, scientists, teachers and home designers. On that note, here are some shocking 3D printed things. 

3D printed concrete buildings are heavily utilised by real estate businesses and builders. In the future, builders and architects expect 3D printing to drastically cut production costs, while manufacturing buildings and houses.

3D printed artwork is gradually becoming a common practice among digital artists, fashion designers, and home decorators. There are several companies that even take some elementary sketches and turn them into 3D models. So what are you waiting for? Start doodling and get your 3D printed object soon! 
3D printed food was first introduced for making food in space. However, some companies have now started to incorporate 3D printed foods in their menu and pundits predict that by 2016, 3D printed food will become a common trend. 
3D printed cars are also expected to be the future of car manufacturing in the future. One company has already started manufacturing 3D printed cars and claim to hold the future to green car manufacturing. Well, building a car using printing might sound weird, but if the process is safe, it can seriously revolutionise the car manufacturing industry.

3D printed skulls are one of the most bizarre objects on this list. As strange as it seems, you will be surprised to know that a 3D printed skull has been implanted in a patient’s head by hospital in Netherlands to improve pressure on her brain. This technology will be very handy for all doctors treating patients suffering from head/ skull injuries.

3D printed babies…well, if you thought printed skulls were bizarre, this is just on another level. 3D printed babies gives people the chance to have an early glimpse of their unborn baby. A company has started creating artistic representations of unborn babies using 3D printing technology and Ultra-sound report.

3D printed pets are also coming into the picture as a Japanese company has started creating exact replications of your pet. The company only needs a few photos of your pets, which they use to print a brilliant 3D image of your pet.

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